Advanced Analytics - Filters

Modified on Thu, Dec 21, 2023 at 6:16 PM

Description: The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed overview of the Filters section of Ooma Enterprise Advanced Analytics. 

Advanced Analytics serves as the primary digital workspace for end-users involved in call analytics. Within this portal, users can access various tools and features to efficiently manage and supervise their call analytics.

The primary objective of the "Filters" feature is to create and use filters within the system, allowing users to locate specific calls or groups of calls. The system retains various types of information regarding each call, which can be used for identification purposes. This information can subsequently be employed in saved filters to ensure that the required data is displayed in reports and wallboards.

When you click on the respective option in the left-hand menu, the main space of the app will display the "Filters" page.

All the presented information is divided into three primary sections.

  • The table of existing filters: this table contains all filters created by you.

In the final column, you will find three buttons associated with the filter record:

  • Edit: selecting this button will open a dialog form, identical to the one used for creating schedules (described below), where you can modify the schedule's parameters. 
  • Clone: by pressing this button, you will create a copy of the selected filter.

A pop-up dialog menu will appear on the right-hand side of the window, showing all the parameters of the initial filter that you wish to duplicate.

The dialog form used for creating new filters, which will be elaborated upon in detail below, is identical to the dialog form employed for this cloning process.

The cloned filter will retain the same name but with the addition of "(Copy)" at the end. You can also add additional conditions to the set of the initially created ones. Upon clicking the "Save" button, the cloned filter will be generated and displayed in the table of existing filters.

  • Delete: pressing this button will permanently remove the selected filter. Once you click on this button, a pop-up window will be displayed, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

  • The search bar:  it allows you to locate a specific filter in the table of existing filters by its name.

  • The "+ Create Filter" button: upon clicking this button, the process of creating a new filter will be initiated.

When you click on this button, a pop-up dialog menu will appear on the right side of the window. 

Firstly, enter the "Name" value for the newly created filter

Next, select the "Conditions" field to reveal a dropdown menu containing various options.

Each condition consists of three components:

  1. Field: the data field on which the filter is based.
  2. Operator: specifies how the comparison should be conducted (e.g., '=', '!=', etc.).
  3. Comparison Value: the value against which the field will be filtered.

Once a field is selected, select an operator, enter the value to match against, and click the "Add" button. For example:

The filtering system utilizes three types of comparisons: 

1. Fixed: many filterable fields offer fixed options. When applying filters to these fields, a list of available choices will be presented for selection. For example:

The comparison process relies on accurately matching the selected options from the provided list.

2. String: for the fields that use string-based comparisons, the comparison value should be entered as text in the designated box. The table presented below displays the available operators that can be used for conducting the comparison.

=Equals, search for items that match the entered value(s).
!=Not equals, search for items that do not match the entered value(s).
ContainsSearch for items that contain the entered value(s) at any location.
Doesn't ContainSearch for items that don't contain the entered value(s) at any location.
Starts WithSearch for items that start with the entered value(s).
Doesn't Start WithSearch for items that don't start with the entered value(s).
Ends With    Search for an item that ends with the entered value(s).
Doesn't End WithSearch for an item that doesn't end with the entered value(s).

3. Time: the following operators are used when adding conditions for fields that involve call duration information.

Equals, search for items that match the entered value.
Not equals, search for items that do not match the entered value.
Less than or equals, search for items that are less than or equal to the entered value.
>=Greater than or equals, search for items that are greater than or equal to the entered value.

All available conditions in this drop-down menu are categorized into seven sections, which will be explained in detail below.

1. Agent Times

FieldDescriptionType of comparison
Event TypeThe comparison set by this field will verify if the event matches any of the options provided in the list (New Call, Call Cleared, Call Transferred, No Available agents).fixed

2. Call Costs

FieldDescriptionType of comparison
Has Been RatedThe comparison set by this field will validate whether the call has been rated or not (Yes/No).fixed

Rate Band

Rate CostThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Rate Cost, taking into account the selected operator.string
Rate NameThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Rate Name.

3. Call Info

FieldDescriptionType of comparison
AbandonedThe comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was classed as lost or not (Yes/No).
AnsweredThe comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was answered or not (Yes/No).
Area Code
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Area Code.string
Call DirectionThe comparison set by this field will validate the direction of the call (Internal, Incoming, Outgoing, or Both).

Call TypeThe comparison set by this field will validate the call type (Internal/External).


Caller ID NameThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Caller ID Name.

CountryThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered name of the country the external call was made to or received from.

DID NameThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered  Direct Inward Dial Name.string

DID Name/Presentation NameThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Direct Inward Dial Presentation Name.
DID/Presentation NumberThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Direct Inward Dial Presentation Number.
Direct Inward DialThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Direct Inward Dial Number.
LocationThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered name of the location the external call was made to or received from.
MatchedThe comparison set by this field will validate whether the call matched a contact or not (Yes/No).
Number Type
The comparison set by this field will verify if the number type matches any of the options provided in the list (Local, PremiumRate, Emergency, International, Operator, Regional, Mobile, Service, Free, DirectoryService).
Outgoing Caller ID
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered telephone number presented on an outgoing call.
Outgoing Caller ID Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered name presented on an outgoing call.
Outside Number

The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered outside number presented for this call.

(For incoming calls this is the caller ID and for outgoing calls this is the dialed number)

Overflowed In
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call segment overflowed in from another device or not (Yes/No).
Overflowed Out
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call segment overflowed out to another device or not (Yes/No).
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was recorded or not (Yes/No).
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was classed as refused or not (Yes/No).
Route Path Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Route Path Name for the call.
Route Path Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Route Path Number for the call.
Short Answered
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was classed as short-answered or not (Yes/No).
Short Ringing
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was classed as short-ringing or not (Yes/No).
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered short name of the State the external call was made to or received from (i.e. AZ, CA, IL, etc).
Transferred In
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call segment transferred in from another device (Yes/No).
Transferred Out
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call segment transferred out to another device (Yes/No).
Trunk To Trunk
The comparison set by this field will validate whether the call was a Trunk to Trunk call (Yes/No).

4. Call Info (Advanced)

FieldDescriptionType of comparison
Document ID
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Document ID.
End Cause
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered end event reason code received from the telephone system in relation to this call.
Hang-up Cause
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered call Hang-up Cause provided by the communications platform.
Interaction ID
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Interaction ID.
Media Server
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Media Server Name.
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered SIP Call ID.

5. Call Times

DescriptionType of comparison
Average Wait TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Average Wait Time.time
Call DurationThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered duration of time for the call, including ring, talk, and hold time.time
Estimated Wait TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Estimated Wait Time.time
Hold TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered time that the call was on hold.time
Longest Wait TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Longest Wait Time.time
Parked TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered time this call segment spent parked.time
Ring TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered  time that the call was ringing.time
Talk TimeThe filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered  talk time that the call was connected for.time

6. Contact Info

FieldDescriptionType of comparison
Company Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Company Name.
Contact Tag 1-10
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered data from tag fields 1 to 10 of the matching contact record for this call.
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered reference of the matched contact in an external CRM system.
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered email address of the matched contact.
Job Title
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered job title of the matched contact.

7. User / Devices

Type of comparison
Answering Device Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Answering Device.
Answering Device Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Answering Device.
Answering Group Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Answering Group.
Answering User Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Answering User.
Answering User Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Answering User.
Device Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Device.
Device Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Device.
First Rang Device Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Device that the call first rang at.
First Rang Device Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Device that the call first rang at.
First Rang Group Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Group that the call first rang at.
First Rang User Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the User whom the call first rang at.
First Rang User Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the User whom the call first rang at.
Last Answering Device Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Device that answered the call the last.
Last Answering Device Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Device that answered the call the last.
Last Answering User Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the User who answered the call the last.
Last Answering User Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the User who answered the call the last.
Last Rang Device Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the Device that the call last rang at.
Last Rang Device Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the Device that the call last rang at.
Last Rang User Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the User who the call last rang at.
Last Rang User Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered User Number which the call last rang at.
Queue Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered name of a specific queue/group (or range of queues/groups) that a call may have gone to. This is used to filter call reports in historical reporting.
Queue Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered queue/group number (or the numbers for the range of queues/groups) that a call may have gone to. This is used to filter call reports in historical reporting.
Transferred From Device
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred from a particular Device, with the filtering being based on the Device's number which usually matches the user’s extension number.
Transferred From Device Name
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred from a particular Device, with the filtering being based on the Device's Name.
Transferred From User Name
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred from a particular User, with the filtering being based on the User's Name.
Transferred From User Number
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred from a particular User, with the filtering being based on the User's Number.
Transferred To Device
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred by a particular Device, with the filtering being based on the Device's number which usually matches the user’s extension number.
Transferred To Device Name
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred by a particular Device, with the filtering being based on the Device's Name.
Transferred To User Name
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred by a particular User, with the filtering being based on the User's Name.
Transferred To user Number
The filter set here will filter the calls that have been transferred by a particular User, with the filtering being based on the User's Number.
User Group Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Name of the group the call has been tagged to using a user's primary group.
User Name
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the user or range of users.
User Number
The filter set here will compare the value in the filtered field within the report with the entered Number of the user or range of users.

Upon clicking the "Create" button, the configured filter will be stored, and you will be able to locate it in the table of existing filters.

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